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Build the Future of CYT Baton Rouge

CYT Baton Rouge has established an endowment which is the first step to enable us to build, operate, and maintain our very own performing arts campus!

Standing O Society

When you join, you’ll be partnering with us to build character in kids' lives - one stage at a time!

Thank You to Our Supporters!

Here are our current Standing O Members and Community Partners.

More Ways to Give

Donate stock, give to the Scholarship Fund and other opportunities.


  1. Log onto your CYT family account
    [If you don't have a family account, then click on the icon of a little person at the top, right hand side of the website; A box will pop up and say “Previous Account holders must create a NEW ACCOUNT. Click on NEW ACCOUNT and fill out - you will need to “Add parent/guardian/adult family member" as well.]
  2. Find “Monthly Giving” on the bottom left hand side of the Dashboard
  3. Fill in the monthly amount you would like to donate
  4. Make sure the button underneath the “amount” field says “Active”
  5. Pick a start date - the date you want your donation to begin.
  6. Pick a convenient day of the month for your credit card to be charged on a recurring monthly basis.
  7. Fill out the Billing details
  8. Do not forget to save the changes!!!
  9. Thank you for your support! We appreciate you!

"There's something different about the person I was and the one I am today, and that is all because CYT showed me this other path. A path where we work hard but at the same time we have fun... thank you for providing me the opportunity to be in this environment of joy"

CYT Baton Rouge Student, E.C.

Standing O Society

Become a sponsor by joining the Standing O Society!

The Standing O Society is a group of individuals and businesses committed to the continued support and growth of CYT Baton Rouge. The Standing O Society offers two Sponsorship opportunities: one for Individuals and one for Businesses.

When you join, you will be supporting the arts in the greater Baton Rouge area. Your generous support will be helping fulfill the dreams of hundreds of kids and adults, and you will also be partnering with us to build character in their lives - one stage at a time!

Individual Sponsorship Program

$5,000 or more
Mention from the stage before live performances for the whole season • Name on all show posters for season • Full page acknowledgement in three playbills • Name listed on the donor page in 3 playbills • Name on our website for the whole show year • 18 tickets with VIP reserved seating to be used anytime during the season • CYT decal

Full page acknowledgement in two playbills • Name listed on the donor page in 3 playbills • Name on our website for the whole show year • 12 tickets with VIP reserved seating to be used anytime during the season • CYT decal

Full page acknowledgement in one playbill • Name listed on the donor page in 3 playbills • Name on our website for the whole show year • 6 tickets to be used anytime during the season (coupon code for tickets will be emailed) • CYT decal

Name listed on the donor page in 3 playbills • Name on our website for the whole show year • 4 tickets to be used anytime during the season (coupon code for tickets will be emailed) • CYT decal

Name listed on the donor page in 3 playbills • Name on our website for the whole show year • 2 tickets to be used anytime during the season (coupon code for tickets will be emailed) • CYT decal

If you'd like to sponsor CYT Baton Rouge and make a donation to support the ongoing mission of developing character in kids and adults through theater arts, please use the "Donate Now" section at the top of this page. Select "Standing O Society - Individual Sponsor" from the designation drop down menu. Also, our website makes it easy to set up monthly giving automatically.

Thank you!!

Corporate Sponsorship Program

$10,000 +
Company name & logo on every ticket sold for the season • Mention from the stage before live performance •  Two live performance opportunities (Cast will perform songs from musicals at your business) • Company name & logo on all posters for the season • 4 boosted social media posts (reaches 32,000 to 40,000 people) • Name & logo on student t-shirts for whole season (3 to 4 shows totaling 475 t-shirts) • Full page ad in 4 playbills (reaches up to 7,000 people) • 4 regular social media posts for season (reaches 4,000 to 8,000 people) • Name & logo on CYT website for whole season • 24 tickets with VIP reserved seating to be used anytime during the season

$5,000 - $9,999
One Live Performance Opportunity (cast will perform songs from musicals at your business) • Company name & logo on all posters for the season • 2 boosted social media posts (reaches 16,000 to 20,000 people) • Name & logo on student t-shirts for 2 shows (about 300 t-shirts) • Full page ad in 3 playbills (reaches up to 6,000 people) • 3 regular social media posts for season (reaches 3,000 to 6,000 people) • Name & logo on CYT website for whole season • 18 tickets with VIP reserved seating to be used anytime during the season

$2,500 - $4,999
Company name & logo on student T-shirts for 1 show (about 150 T-shirts) • Full page ad in 2 playbills (reaches up to 4,000 people) • 2 regular social media posts for season (reaches 2,000 to 4,000 people) • Name & logo on CYT website for whole season • 12 tickets to be used anytime during the season (coupon code for tickets will be emailed)

$1,000 - $2,499
Full page ad in 1 playbill (reaches up to 2,000 people) • 1 regular social media post for the season (reaches 1,000 to 2,000 people) • Name & logo on CYT website for whole season • 6 tickets to be used anytime during the season (coupon code for tickets will be emailed)

If you would like to sponsor CYT Baton Rouge and support the ongoing mission of developing character in kids and adults through the theater arts, please use the "Donate Now" section at the top of this page. Select "Standing O Society - Corporate Sponsor" from the designation drop down menu.


CYT is so much more then an after school program. It’s a confidence builder. A community. A place to act, sing and dance with great people. A family.  I can’t imagine what I would have done without CYT.

CYT Baton Rouge Student, J.I.


Thank you for your support! It's making a difference in the lives of hundreds of kids and their families. Here are our current Standing O Members & Community Partners.


Standing O Society - List of Corporate Sponsors


Platinum Level - $10,000 or more

Gold Level - $5,000 - $9,999


Silver Level - $2,500 - $4,999


Standing O Society - List of Individual Sponsors


Director's Circle - $5,000 or more

Chris & Jeri Rainey

Matt & Kim Kubicek

Kathleen Rainey



Actor's Circle - $2,500 - $4,999

Don & Pati Rudisel


Orchestra Circle - $1,000 - $2,499

Brennan & Ashley Ardoin

Frank & Patricia Rugeley

Bryant & Kendra Bremer

Darin & Barat Travis

Scott & Robyn Keller

Artist's Circle - $500 - $999

William & Angelique Holtman

Walter & Rachel Hull

Andy & Stephanie McCandless

The McElroy Family

Scott & Stephanie Purdy

Sterling & Niki Hall

Hosanna First Assembly

Spotlight Circle - $120 - $499

Teresa Whitaker

Craig and Heather Callender

Caroline Collins

Jeff & Nikki Elliott

Pat and Allison Barraco

David and Tonja Rainey


CYT is my home, and I'm so glad I found it. I came here looking for friends. I found another family instead.

CYT Baton Rouge student

More Ways to Give to CYT Baton Rouge

Here are some more ways to give to CYT Baton Rouge:

Giving from IRAs (Qualified Charitable Distributions)

The IRS permits gifting directly from IRAs to charitable organizations like CYT Baton Rouge through what is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution.  For those aged 70.5 and older, up to $100k can be gifted each year from an IRA on a tax-free basis to a qualified charity.  This gift is tax-free to the IRA owner and charity and counts towards any Required Minimum Distributions for the IRA owner the year of gifting.  If you’d like to gift in this manner, please make your check payable to “CYT Baton Rouge".  For more information, please contact your trusted tax advisor. 


Scholarship Fund

We believe that CYT is an excellent place to invest in the lives of children! CYT provides a safe environment where kids can grow in their gifts and talents, but also in their character.

Would you consider sponsoring a student for a class Session? Classes are $210. Note: Scholarship donations cannot be designated for specific named students, only for the fund in general. 

To donate to this fund, please select "Scholarship Fund" from the drop down "Donate Now" menu at the top of this page. Thank you for making it possible for our students to continue doing what they love at CYT!