Week-long musical theater day camps are offered during the summer months for students ages 5-18. Camps are designed to create a hands-on theater experience and are focused on building performance skills, self-confidence, and teamwork. Typical camps include team competitions, rotations through drama, dance, music, and craft workshops, a daily theme-related devotional, and an impressive concluding showcase for family and friends. There’s no better place for kids to learn about theater and have fun than in CYT’s positive and encouraging atmosphere - and every camper gets the opportunity to perform on stage!


Kids Musical Theater Camp (ages 5-7)

JUNE 9-13, 2025
9:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Bethel Church

Kids Camp will be during the same week and at the same location as Youth Camp. Kids Extended Care is available for campers who are registered for Kids Camp and need to stay til 3pm (register for Kids Extended Care on the camp page).

Kids Camp will stay the whole day on Friday and will join Youth Camp for the Showcase on Friday, June 13 at 3pm.

To register, scroll down to the "Current Camps" section below.

Kids Musical Theater Camp (ages 5-7)

JUNE 16-20, 2025
9:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Bethel Church

Kids Camp will be during the same week and at the same location as Youth Camp. Kids Extended Care is available for campers who are registered for Kids Camp and need to stay til 3pm (register for Kids Extended Care on the camp page).

Kids Camp will stay the whole day on Friday and will join Youth Camp for the Showcase on Friday, June 20 at 3pm.

To register, scroll down to the "Current Camps" section below.

Youth Musical Theater Camp (Ages 8-12)

JUNE 9-13, 2025
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Bethel Church

Camp Showcase will be June 13 @ 3pm.

To register, scroll down to the "Current Camps" section below.

Youth Musical Theater Camp (Ages 8-12)

JUNE 16-20, 2025
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Bethel Church

Camp Showcase will be June 20 @ 3pm.

To register, scroll down to the "Current Camps" section below.

Teen Summer Camp (Ages 13-18)

JUNE 23-27, 2025
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Bethel Church

Performance will be Friday, June 27 @ 3:00pm.

To register, scroll down to the "Current Camps" section below.

Current Camps:

Camp: Age: Chapter: Location: Start: End:
KIDS CAMP: Pirates & Princesses (5-7) 5-7 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 16 Jun 20
KIDS CAMP: Woody's Country Roundup! (5-7) 5-7 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 09 Jun 13
KIDS EXTENDED CARE: Pirates & Princesses 5-7 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 16 Jun 20
KIDS EXTENDED CARE: Woody's Country Roundup! 5-7 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 09 Jun 13
TEEN CAMP: Disney's Dare to Dream Jr 13-18 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 23 Jun 27
YOUTH CAMP: Pirates & Princesses (8-12) 8-12 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 16 Jun 20
YOUTH CAMP: Woody's Country Roundup! (8-12) 8-12 Baton Rouge Bethel Church Assembly of God Jun 09 Jun 13

How to Register for Camp

Set up a Family Account before you register for camp
  1. Click on the "person" icon at top right corner of our website (to right of "DONATE" on any page).
  2. Click on "NEW ACCOUNT" in the pop up window.
  3. Fill out the information required, with the parent's info first. NOTE: the email address you provide is what we will use to send a confirmation and instructions.
  4. To add a child to the account, click on the +Family Member blue button.
If you already have a Family Account, then (while logged in) follow these steps:

Register for Camp
  1. Scroll up to find the "Current Camps" section.
  2. Click on the Camp Title.
  3. Click on the "Register Now" button
  4. Select the family member that will be in the camp
  5. Proceed to payment section to complete registration.

Refund and Late Fee Policy

  $25    Processing fee on all refunds prior to first day of class or camp.
  $20    Additional fee for refunds requested within two weeks of first day of class or camp.
(Please note that we hire our teachers based on enrollment, and if students withdraw within two weeks before classes start CYT still has to pay the teachers that were hired.)
  No refunds after the first day of class or camp.
NOTE: Camp T-shirts may not be available if student is not registered 10 days prior to first day of camp.