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You can help us build the future of CYT Baton Rouge!

CYT Baton Rouge has plans to build a Performing Arts Campus that will provide a home for all of our classes, camps, and shows. We will have two Funds to accomplish this goal: a permanent Endowment Fund and a temporary Building Fund. 

MATCHING DONOR NEWS!!! To get us to the $100k mark, a generous donor has agreed to match 100% of contributions to the endowment until we reach a $100k balance. This opportunity is available between now and the end of Cats (our Spring show which ends May 25, 2025).

Progress on our 1st Endowment Goal

Our initial goal for the Endowment fund is $100,000. We currently have $21,175 in the permanent Endowment. Once we hit this goal, we will start our Building Fund which will begin Phase 1 of our plan.

Project Details

CYT Baton Rouge has served the Baton Rouge community for over a decade since it began in 2013. Back then, our first session had about 25 kids. Today, we have grown to serve close to 700 kids every year through our classes, shows, and camps. In addition, over 7,000 people enjoy our performances annually.

As we have grown, the need for larger and more appropriate space has become apparent. CYT Baton Rouge currently leases space from five different churches and theaters, as well as warehouse space for set building and costume storage. 

CYT Baton Rouge has a vision to establish a one-location campus that will provide space for all of our classes, rehearsals, and camps. In addition, it would also provide an expanded warehouse space which we will use for building and storage for sets, props, and costumes. Finally, this Performing Arts Campus will also be home to a state-of-the-art 700 seat theater and a multi-use event space.

Not only would this Performing Arts Campus provide enough space for current CYT needs, but it would also allow expansion for our programming – additional classes and class times, shows, etc. And since the space would be owned by CYT, it could be used much more often throughout the week, greatly increasing the reach and impact of CYT for the kids and families in this region.

CYT Baton Rouge Endowment Fund & Building Fund

With the future Performing Arts Campus in mind, CYT Baton Rouge has established a permanent endowment. Although CYT Baton Rouge has been successful since its founding and produces enough income through programming and donations to fund our annual budget, this is nowhere near enough to buy land and to build and maintain a Performing Arts Campus. 

The CYT Baton Rouge Endowment exists primarily to provide sustainability for the operation and maintenance of CYT Baton Rouge's planned Performing Arts Campus; it will also help ensure sustainability for CYT operations overall.

A Master Plan has been developed to reach strategic benchmark levels in the Endowment, the first of which will usher in the establishment of the additional Building Fund.  Each of these two funds will have its own financial goals with construction beginning in phases.

We estimate the entire campus project of land, structural development and infrastructure, buildings for classes, a theater, administration, meetings rooms, dance studios, a set warehouse and workshop, and storage for costumes and props to cost $34.5 million. To fund the annual maintenance of this campus, we expect an annual budget of about $670 thousand which is why we also have a goal to reach $13.5 million in the permanent Endowment. That puts our estimated total cost of the campus and Endowment at a total of $48 million.

Why do you need an endowment?

We estimate the annual operating and maintenance costs for the Performing Arts Campus will be $671,750 per year. This takes into account utilities, maintenance, janitorial, landscaping, and additional staffing to handle any administration. The earnings and interest from the Endowment would cover those costs each and every year for generations to come without placing financial pressure on CYT Baton Rouge in the process.

Who will manage the endowment and invest the funds?

We have partnered with the Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF) to manage our endowment. BRAF is among the largest community foundations in the country. It has been supporting philanthropists for over 60 years by providing education, counsel, and tools to help them support nonprofits and the community at large and brings a host of value, experience, and expertise to CYT Baton Rouge. 

BRAF’s commitment to strong governance and policy will help ensure funds are managed well on behalf of donors.

How can I give to the CYT Baton Rouge Endowment?
Contact our Board Treasurer, Matt Kubicek at or 225-281-8546. Matt holds the Certified Private Wealth Advisor designation; he can share ways you can partner with CYT Baton Rouge, and he can help think through the best fit for you. Matt serves as the CYT Baton Rouge liaison with BRAF to coordinate gifts such as stock and other non-cash gifts.

Phases and Benchmarks

The Performing Arts Campus will be built in five phases, progressing as each benchmark is reached for both the permanent Endowment Fund and the temporary Building Fund. The Building Fund will be spent down and replenished with each successive building phase. 

When the Endowment Fund reaches $100,000, then we will begin our Building Fund Campaign.

Phase 1
When the Endowment reaches $250,000 and the Building Fund reaches $1 million, we will purchase and prepare the land.

Phase 2
When the Endowment reaches $2 million and the Building Fund adds another $3.6 million, then we will build the main classroom building and its parking lot. All CYT classes, rehearsals, and camps will then transition to use this space!

Phase 3
When the Endowment reaches $3.7 million and the Building Fund adds an additional $3.4 million, then we will build the second building, which will hold the main entrance, lobby, additional classroom space, as well as office and meeting space.
Phase 4
When the Endowment reaches $4.5 million and the Building Fund adds an additional $3.5 million, then we will build the third building, which will hold our warehouse space and sets, props, and costumes construction and storage.
Phase 5
When the Endowment reaches $13.5 million and the Building Fund adds a final $23 million, then we will build the Theater and its parking lot. 
The building project will then be complete, and the temporary Building Fund will be closed. But the permanent Endowment will live on, sustaining the operations and maintenance of the Performing Arts Campus for generations to come! 

CYT Baton Rouge

Mailing Address:
9111 Baker Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-938-1438

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